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Welcome to the Show!
This is the story of my life.
It isn't much, but it is mine. It can be a zoo.

Please keep your hands and feet tucked in at all times.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Drama Queen In Me

Today is Tuesday the 31st, and I have officially died inside. Not only did the Rabid Chihuahua come to town to visit first thing Monday morning, and will probably be here all week, the weather is crappy, and my hair do is a total hair don't. Also, I am 100% sick of this back pain. It should be gone by now. I know, I am being whiney, but I am tired!! Plus, my drama queen side has taken over. Better watch out for my triple z snaps!
Oh NO You Didn't!!

But at the end of my crappy week, there is a rainbow waiting for me. Little Miss Lillian will be coming home. She isn't so little anymore, and I am not surprised. I didn't think she would be a little dog. Now it is time to get the house prepared. All things big enough for little mouths must be put out of reach, and gates will go up! Gonna put the house on puppy lockdown. Watch out!

Puppy has been very, very bad. Mommy need a Valium...

The Gauntlet is coming to a close for us thankfully. 5 major holidays and 7 birthdays to celebrate in 5 months is a bit much, but we are bound and determined to make it happen! This year's closing ceremonies will be very festive if all goes to plot. I think we did a wonderful job of not going bankrupt this year. That is always a concern for us. They aren't repossessing the house and cars, so we are doing okay! I can't wait for Feb 18th. It has been a long road of cooking, shopping, entertaining, wrapping, eating, and drinking. It is always fun, and worth it, but it is also very exhausting. Maybe after this is over I will take a writing class, or a cake decorating class... Or maybe I will just sleep in! Yea that sounds great. Wake me up in a week!

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