Welcome to the Show!

Welcome to the Show!
This is the story of my life.
It isn't much, but it is mine. It can be a zoo.

Please keep your hands and feet tucked in at all times.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Crockpot Quest Complete

I made it through Black Friday unscathed. It may seem crazy to some to stand in line at 4:45am for a crockpot. But to me it was worth it. I've got two new crockpots for the price of 1 1/2, and I was home before the sun was up. We did venture out last night to Walmart to pick up some cat food and possibly a pots and pans set my sister wanted. We didn't get them, but I scored a bra for $6 and the hubby got some new work pants.

While we waited in the ridiculously long line to check out, we noticed how torn up the store was. People had been in a shopping frenzy, loading their carts up with video games, candle sets, sewing machines, and toys. But once they went to stand in line to check out, they must have second guessed their purchases, because there were discarded items under, and on top of clothes racks. There were things shoved on shelves, and in bins lining the check out area. I feel sorry for all the people having to clean that up today.

Today is a day of resting and a little bit of cleaning. The rest of the weekend will be as uneventful if we can help it. I hope to finally complete at least one of my crafts and maybe start a new one. Hip Hip Hurray for extra long weekends!

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