Welcome to the Show!

Welcome to the Show!
This is the story of my life.
It isn't much, but it is mine. It can be a zoo.

Please keep your hands and feet tucked in at all times.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving 50% Complete

This is a very short week for most of us. There are people traveling, kids out of school, and the stores are a mad house. Welcome to the holidays, eh? I've done my shopping for food related items, and honestly, there is really nothing further to do, than to get some steaks for my husband's birthday, and make him a great meal. I can handle that I suppose.

My biggest goal of the week is to not over eat, and make sure I limit my carbs and my fat. I am not sure if I can not over eat. We will have a late lunch at my in-laws, and then have a big dinner at my sisters. I know it sounds crazy, but I am going to make sure we have a good breakfast in the morning. That way, we will be hungry for lunch but not STARVING, and then we can limit our portions at lunch, and still have room for dinner. This has always been the challenge for me personally. I can't say much about the hubby. He chows down, no matter what, and ends up in a food coma on someone's couch. He can't help himself! I at least have Hayden to keep me busy. He doesn't know the meaning of slow down.  I often think he has two modes, go and sleep.

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